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About Us

Aztlan Graduation and Scholarship Committee is the official Chicana/o Studies Department graduation at California State University Northridge. Founded in 1969, we seek to fulfill the needs of the Chicana/o/x ,Central American, and Latina/o/x students on campus. We are excited to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Chicana/o Studies Department, therefore we have plan to expand on this celebration with a greater number of graduating student participants . This graduation is open to all majors and minors, as well as all Undergraduate seniors and Graduate students who will be graduating with a Masters Degree.

The 50th Anniversary of Chicano/a/x Studies encourages graduates  to wear clothing of their cultural origin to honor their families, ancestors, and heritage. This isn't mandatory, but graduating in cultural clothing is encouraged as a way to  empower students and families. Upon recognition, usually Aztlan Grad graduates will have the opportunity to give a brief speech in any language thanking parents, friends, professors, mentors, family, etc. We celebrate our academic journeys with delicious food, live music, speakers, and dance. To achieve this program graduating students are expected to volunteer 60 hours for both semesters, pay dues, plan and organize their graduation. keynote

What We Do

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